Why do kangaroo dog treats help with my dog's dental health?

Why do kangaroo dog treats help with my dog's dental health?

Dried kangaroo dog treats can help with your dog's dental health because they are a natural chew that can help to scrape away plaque and tartar buildup on your dog's teeth. When your dog chews on a tough, fibrous treat like a dried kangaroo tendon or jerky, it works to mechanically clean their teeth, which can help to reduce the risk of dental disease.

Additionally, chewing on treats like dried kangaroo can help to strengthen your dog's jaw muscles, which can be helpful for preventing tooth loss and other dental problems. However, it's important to note that while dried kangaroo treats can be helpful for promoting dental health, they should not be relied upon as a replacement for regular dental care from your veterinarian, including teeth cleanings and exams.

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